The Dangers of Driving on Snowy Roads

THE DANGERS OF DRIVING ON SNOWY ROADS   The leading cause of death from winter storms isn’t exposure or exhaustion, but instead, automobile or transportation accidents. According to the Federal Highway Administration, 70 percent of the nation’s roads are located in snowy regions—in other words, anywhere that receives more than five inches of snowfall each [...]

By |2019-01-21T11:03:27-06:00January 21st, 2019|Auto Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Wrongful Death|Comments Off on The Dangers of Driving on Snowy Roads

Holiday Travel by Automobile

Thanksgiving is actually a bigger holiday travel period than Christmas and New Year’s. According to the United States Department of Transportation’s holiday travel statistics, travel to a destination 50 miles or more away increases by 54% over Thanksgiving weekend and only by 23% during Christmas and New Year’s. The automobile is the choice of the [...]

By |2018-11-07T12:52:04-06:00November 7th, 2018|Auto Accidents|Comments Off on Holiday Travel by Automobile

Accidents Involving Uber or Lyft – Passenger Rights

PASSENGER RIGHTS IN ACCIDENT CASES   Chain Liability For passengers of companies such as Uber of Lyft who are injured in an accident, there is more than one party who may be held responsible for injuries and damages. First of all, the driver would be liable if the accident was deemed his fault. Additionally, Uber [...]

By |2018-08-08T10:17:54-05:00July 19th, 2018|Auto Accidents|Comments Off on Accidents Involving Uber or Lyft – Passenger Rights

Risky Driving

  RISKY DRIVING   There are numerous factors that contribute to auto accidents.  Below are some facts related to various causes of drunk driving taken from   DRUNK DRIVING The interactions between alcohol and other substances in the body such as certain medications or illegal drugs increase impairment and make driving more risky. Alcohol [...]

By |2018-08-08T10:32:48-05:00July 18th, 2018|Auto Accidents|Comments Off on Risky Driving


Georgia recently passed a new law that makes it illegal to text on a cell phone while driving. The law now reads that one can be convicted under this statute “based upon the use of a mobile telephone for writing, sending, or reading a text based message or other purpose unrelated to engaging in spoken [...]

By |2018-08-08T10:31:23-05:00June 28th, 2018|Auto Accidents|Comments Off on GEORGIA’S NEW LAW ON TEXTING WHILE DRIVING